Blue Oasis

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my parents always strived to make our environment as desi as they could so i wouldn't forget my roots, they would leave everything and take me and my brother to india and pakistan so we could see first hand how people there were living.

it didn't work, i know i'm very guri-fied - and not just with my dress. i feel like a coconut (brown outside and white inside) but being so mixed also means that you find it hard to fit in, i'm lucky to have super friends though some of which are as mixed as me!
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Topic: If I could

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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I would fly over the cities and jungles on a starry night.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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yes let's! your setting sounds so relaxing after a dangerous adventure! we should write a short story together sometime
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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yeah i really like being so mixed, i feel like my view points are broader than a lot of people's. but even you, being born in usa you have a diversity in you.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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LiL_DollY said:

Im a bit of a chicken...
I dont think I would be very comfortable
sharing my pics here.

no you're not a chicken, modesty is a good thing and i admire you for that. i'm just too uncaring to be uncomfortable!
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
LiL_DollY said:

Chandramuki said:

well technically i'm half english

I can tell
your 2 beautiful to be just paki

so explain how are you half

lol i've already said, in a few posts up this thread, 8 posts down.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
LiL_DollY said:

I would Want to be:
on a mountain
in a house
w/ warm fire inside
and snow outside

ahhh how cosy!

I'd want to be on a really hot island with white sands, turquise coloured sea and lots of adventure!
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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well technically i'm half english
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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wafakadard said:

okay yar here are my pics

Wow I love the dreadlocks, you;re a nice looking guy you look like a rock band artist in this pic.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Dolly your compliments are going too make my head to big to fit through the door! thank you!

I've always imagined you to look like a barbie doll, your personality rocks girl, you're nice and very creative which makes you lovely in my eyes and I don;t need to see your pic to see that!

Yeah I'm very mixed, my dad is half pakistani and half english (uk), and my mum is half indian and half english (usa). so i'm the best of all worlds!
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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Roost chicken with a walnut salad, and frozen yogurt with grapes for sweet dish.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Lil Dolly I really want to see your pic.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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Smooth_daddy said:

Chandramuki said:

oh please - there is a major differance between a rapist or criminal and a homosexual, why are you comparing them? in essence criminals hurt people and someone having sex in the privacy of their bedroom is not making anyone a victim or looting anyone.

so when a spouses cheats, also sleep with someone in the privacy of their (some kind of) bedroom. By all means, its for pleasure with consent of both parties.

Why is that a crime or at least immoral?

AshK and CM, its not our desire that sets moral limits on what constitutes immoral and crime, its the Creator who sets those limits. We, humans are biased to our liking, disliking and our limited knowledge and wisdom.

AK, It bothers me the least how you judge me but lemme tell you one thing, what you call extreme may not be exterme to sum1 else. likewise, whatevaz balanced to yah may be extreme to sum1 else.

No no SD, adultry is a crime and affects the lives the spouse and his family. Homosexuality can also affect the lives of people involved, but I meant it without any other factors attached, e.g, a single gay with anotehr single gay, no cheating on eachother. Under that condition, it's no one's buisness.

Educating people about what's right and wrong is important, so if kids knew from any early age (an early appropriate age) that homosexuality, rape, molestation, touching one self etc were very wrong, and that having intergrity is the most important thing to have in one's character, their zameer should be against those things. But these topics are considered taboo to talk about.

Iqra was the first word of revelation, and that shows how important reading/writing and education is. If there is a wider access to education in Pakistan alot of these problems would solved.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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Like I said before, I'm on a different wavelength to you, you don't understand me because you're not in my league. You're backward, homophobic, racist and sexist chauvinist - none of things which I or most of the members here are. Now let others comment on it? When did I stop anyone from commenting on this thread? You are the one with obssessed with posting back on anything I say.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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Badal said:

the authenticity of these hadiths in unquestionable, they are in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim books of Ahadith and are "Sahih". anyone suspecting their authenticity would be commiting suicide.

Every translation of any religious is flawed. That is a fact not an opinion. A religious text only stays prestine as long as it is in its original language.

Badal said:

And i didnt justified. i poitend out the cause only, as i explained ealier. if you cant understand, if your little brain, i can help much.

"the man is a sadist, his wife and the girl are victims." man is sadist, the girl is the victim and wife wasnt a victim, what he did to her? instead she became a cause with other causes of this evil, the heinous crime of that man.

Defeat? To you? Never.

You need to get an English dictionary because you obviously don't understand what the words, Justify, Defeat, Sex, Rape, mean. I'm not going to fall to your level and resort to name calling, so here I'm taking the liberty of giving you the meaning of those words, taken from

rape (n)

1The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse.
2The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction.
3Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.

tr.v. raped, rap·ing, rapes
To force (another person) to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse; commit rape on.
To seize and carry off by force.
To plunder or pillage.

i.e. if it isn't forced, it's not rape but sex. but you don't know what sex means either, here:

Sex means

Next one - justify

v. jus·ti·fied, jus·ti·fy·ing, jus·ti·fies
v. tr.
1To demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid: justified each budgetary expense as necessary; anger that is justified by the circumstances.
2To declare free of blame; absolve.
3To free (a human) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin. Used of God.

To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for (an action taken).
To prove to be qualified as a bondsman.

Posted 24 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
to answer the original question of this thread, there is increased homosexuality in pakistan because of the moral decay of the society (which links in with your comments on how unpak pakistan is in the other tread).
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

oh please - there is a major differance between a rapist or criminal and a homosexual, why are you comparing them? in essence criminals hurt people and someone having sex in the privacy of their bedroom is not making anyone a victim or looting anyone.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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Badal said:

Where i stated that it justifies this sin?


the reason which leaded that man to such a big crime? His wife refused him to fulfil his desire with her which was his right, and this leaded him to a much bigger crime and sin.

You 'justified (i.e. explained) the man's actions by saying that he raped the little girl because his wife refused 'to fulfil his desire with her'

the man is a sadist, his wife and the girl are victims.

Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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I wouldn't interpret them because I don't belive in the validity of their translation. the state of my faith is between me and god, no second person, not to judge or comment, you have some nerve saying it is corrupt.

we're on different wavelengths, so i'm simply not going to reply to you anymore, it's like hitting like my head against a wall.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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yes, but not in a preppy way,

are you bored?
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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ashkhan said:

oh no im too shy to share my pic even with my personal friends.

no worries hun, i respect your wishes   
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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I used to have the movie, seen it many many times, for non-muslims and people who don't go pick up the quran but will go watch a movie it's a way of educating Islamic history to them, better than watching a bolly lolly movie. Go Geo
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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no prob hun, are you going to share your pic with the jb world? or do i have to e-mail you and ask for it lol
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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do you want to be a millionair? (that is a bit rhetoric lol)
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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King of Jb and Queen Vic are the mods of FoS, they would know Ash
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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Paindoos yep like Ash rightly said in the UK we call them Yardies (yard=home so yardy someone who looks like he is fresh out of back home)

About the many kid issue, maybe they just haven't heard of birth control - or have as many kids as they can so the benifit claims increases.

So yeah they are not dumb, but kniving - like catwomen!
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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so what you're saying is that if a wife refuses to sleep with her husband it justifies him raping a little girl? Listen to yourself!

If the desperate man was so worked up he should have fasted to control his desires - or recited the quran.

It's not a husband's RIGHT to sleep with his wife, a wife isn't a piece of flesh, the only person to have a RIGHT on her body is her herself or her maker, not her husband. You've mis-interpreted those hadiths big time.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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SALL said:

.... i once read an article abt punjab,,, ppl who dont want girls kill them before they r born

that's twisted! it's like the Pre-Islamic Arabs and their buried alive daughters.

I think the only condition abortion is acceptable is when the mother's life is danger, be it 3 months or during labour.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Topic: Homosexuality

Blue Oasis

Age: 124
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AshKhan has put across what I would have said too, to your post Badal.

I have had gay and tranvis teachers, their sexuality never affected the way they teached (or acted) or made them any different from any other teacher. I mean I'm not homophobic, I genuinely don't care what anyone is. btw it's wrong to assert your beliefs on someone, the chances are that a gay person has already heard that they will be damned etc. I rather concentrate my efforts elsewhere else than on convincing them to change their sexuality.
Posted 24 Oct 2005

Blue Oasis

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SALL said:

u made me think of someone i know

Maybe you know me   
Posted 24 Oct 2005